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I've long romanticized the idea of living in a small community. Perhaps since my theatre and teaching practice is based around concepts of community this should be no surprise, but it's taken me ten years of my adult life before I've finally been able to make it happen. About time!

For the next three weeks, I will be living and teaching in Gold River, BC as part of my Community Field Experience (CFE) for my BEd at UBC. About an hour and a west of Campbell River on Vancouver Island, this town of just over 1000 people is the gateway to Nootka Sound. I will be working at Gold River Secondary and staying with my lovely host, Pierette. As part of my requirement for successful completion of this rural practicum experience, this blog will serve as a place for me to document my general experience while also reflecting on the nature of rural education and place-based pedagogy. While the list is certainly incomplete and will likely change by tomorrow, my initial learning objectives for this experience are as follows:

- What are the differences between rural and urban education?

- What are some specific challenges that rural teachers face?

- How do teachers in rural school districts engage is place-based or project-based learning?

- What does extra-curricular learning look like for rural students?

Right now, however, I'm faced with a more familiar question: beige blazer or black blazer?

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